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  1. Parents are encouraged to watch practices but are asked to remain under the covered areas or off to the side so that coaches have the swimmer's full attention
  2. Younger swimmers are encouraged to watch older swimmers at practice and at the meets.
  3. Written notice must be given as early as possible to the head coach of any absences from swim meets or any absences of a week or more from practice, such as family vacation, camps, jobs, summer school, etc. (Please do not report absences from practice of less than a week to the head coach.) Swimmers must attend at least one practice per week prior to Monday's meet in order to compete in that meet. Exceptions apply to those with jobs/summer school who are needed to fill lanes or are attending a summer camp, vacation bible school, etc. who provide a note at the start of the season. Priority will be given to those attending practice for relay purposes.
  4. Swimmers must participate in at least 2 regular season dual meets to qualify for post season meets (Meet of Champions, All-stars) and in at least 3 regular season dual swim meets to qualify for a participation trophy.
  5. Refunds are given only under extreme circumstances. The board will review on a case by case basis.
  6. VIOLATIONS OF THE CONTRACT OF EXPECTATIONS will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the team's 3-strike rule. 
  7. HARRASSMENT OF ANY OFFICIAL AT A MEET will not be tolerated. Under the directions used by the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League, harassment includes verbal and/or physical contact. Any parent who verbally harasses any official is subject to being removed from the pool area, regardless of where the meet is being held. Contact the meet director or any board member if observed.
  8. Our website ( and Swimtopia Webmail are the best methods of communicating with our swimmers and their families. If you are not receiving team webmail's after you have registered, contact the team secretary (CWST Secretary). Please check the website and your emails regularly for updates on practices, meets, swim times, and other important information. (Note: please be sure to check your spam folder\settings to ensure you receive team emails!)
  9. Please remember the speed limit around the pool is 20 MPH, and please follow all posted parking signs.
  10. All pool rules will be strictly enforced.
  11. Stingrays have a reputation of good sportsmanship - please help us maintain this image.
  12. Cheer your fellow swimmers while they are in the water!
  13. All families have volunteer responsibilities totaling 5 work shifts for the season… YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS MANDATORY. We understand that there are extreme cases where families are unable to meet the mandatory 5 work shift minimum. It is your responsibility to contact the Parent Volunteer Coordinator DIRECTLY (CWST Parent Volunteer Coordinator), to inform her of these special cases. We will work with any family and any situation. Families that do not remit the buyout fee with registration must provide a deposit check payable to CWST that will be held throughout the season pending your satisfaction of 5 work shifts. This check will only be cashed if you fail to complete and/or miss your 5 mandatory work shifts, and it will be returned to you at the end of the season if you satisfy them.
  14. Weather Policy Although CWST makes any and all reasonable attempts to make practices/meets available as scheduled, safety is a priority. The coaches and meet director have authority to have, delay or cancel practices and meets. However, parents are encouraged to use their own discretion in considering attendance during questionable conditions. Whenever possible, all weather related changes in our schedule will be posted to the website in "News Section” on the Home page, and emailed.

    Meets: Swim meets are RARELY canceled due to weather because of the difficulty of rescheduling them. If a meet is delayed, DO NOT LEAVE as it will resume as quickly as safely possible.

    Practices: A practice may be moved to dry land, delayed or canceled depending on the severity of the weather. In the case of light rain, we will practice as scheduled. In the case of thunder/lightning, the pool will be cleared and remain so for a minimum of 20 minutes from the last detection of thunder/lightning. Practices will only be canceled in extreme weather conditions where it is determined that there is not likely to be a cessation in thunder/lightning for the duration of the day’s practice schedule.

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2024 CWST Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors for their generosity by supporting our team for the 2024 season!

Want to sponsor the Covington Woods Swim Team? View our available Sponsorship Opportunities HERE! (INCLUDING PURCHASING ONLINE) -or- Email CWST Board, for more details!

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