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All families have volunteer responsibilities totaling 5 work shifts for the season (Excluding HOPE TEAM). 

YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS MANDATORY. We understand that there are extreme cases where families are unable to meet the mandatory work shift minimum. You are responsible for reaching out to our  Parent Volunteer Coordinator.

As a part of the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League ("SHRSL”), the Covington Woods Swim Team("CWST”) must meet all of the league’s Rules and Regulations. Parent participation throughout the season is required to be in compliance with SHRSL rules. Part of these regulations are;

- ALL Tent Parent Volunteers MUST pass a background check prior to being assigned an age group tent parent position. Absolutely NO ONE other than the background approved Tent Parent Volunteer may enter the tent at any time. 

Click Here For Background Check

CWST has a variety of tasks and duties based on your interest and time of availability and can accept volunteer work from either parent. 

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2024 CWST Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors for their generosity by supporting our team for the 2024 season!

Want to sponsor the Covington Woods Swim Team? View our available Sponsorship Opportunities HERE! (INCLUDING PURCHASING ONLINE) -or- Email CWST Board, for more details!

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